If you are not growing wild Rocket, you should be! It grows terribly easily. At the end of each season, I pinch off all the little yellow flowers to keep the plant producing leaves, but still it manages to seed itself closeby. At the end of the season, you just cut it down to ground level and wait for the leaves to appear again in the spring.
Here is my own recipe for Rocket and Walnut Pesto. Naturally, you can use Rocket bought in a plastic tub, but the wild kind has much more peppery bite to it.
The Pesto can be used almost anywhere. A dolop mixed into pasta or on a slice of toast in the morning. Its a wonderful thing!
Wild Rocket and Walnut Pesto
An ice-cream tub full of wild Rocket leaves
100g Walnuts
Up to 3 quarters of a cup of Olive Oil - more if you like
About a cup of finely grated Percorino or Parmesan cheese
Half a teaspoon of salt
Half clove of garlic (if you insist).
Put the dry ingredients in a blender and blitz, adding the oil gradually and to a consistency of your liking. (I prefer it like a paste. Others more runny. It is up to you).
Transfer to an airtight container and store in the fridge.
Eat in about 10 days.
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